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Ant Farm,
USA, 1975,
26 min

Genuine guerilla TV from the famous San Francisco based video-activism collective. On the 4th of July, amidst all the other spectacular happenings (such as fireworks and traffic deaths) in TV-culture that day, Ant Farm sets up the ultimate media event. Every camera in town shows up to witness a 1959 Cadillac drive through a pyramid of burning TV-sets. The message is for the media, get it ? This is good art as well as good entertainment somewhere in between a video installation, a living sculptural object and, of course, a performance. For in their ironic analysis of violence and action on TV, these media-matadors even succeed in bringing the defunct John F. Kennedy back to live. In all honesty, the resurrected American president testifies about Media Burn : "The world may never understand what was done here today, but the image created here shall never be forgotten".


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