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Craig Baldwin,
USA, 1990,
50 min.

A maniac montage. Every imaginable fragment of found footage and every possible scene filmed-from-TV obsessionally fitted together to form a psychotronic pseudo-documentary on both planned and unintentional encounters between North and South, between here and there. 99 paranoid visual broadsides tell the frantic, detailed story and secret history of foreign interventions in the Latin American republics. The CIA, Howard Hughes, Castro, JFK, Reagan, Bush, Ollie North, Manuel Noriega, Salvador Allende and miscellaneous UFO's play the leading parts in this agitp(r)op disclosure of the Quetzal conspiracy in the United States' back garden (or is it underbelly ?).


Media Burn

Cannibal Tours

Sacrificial Martyrs

Toys R US

Perfect Love

Serbian Epics

Alternative 3