La Société du Spectacle logo pseudo


Guy Debord,
France, 1973,
75 min

The film version of the book! In 1967, two months before the publication of the book La société du spectacle, the 11th issue of the Revue Internationale Situationniste announced that Debord himself was preparing the screen version of his book. After all, Eisenstein intended to shoot Marx's German Ideology and Critique of Political Economy ; and Guy Debord did not want to be outdone by him. But, because of the post-1968 chaos that reigned in the Situationist movement, he only finished the film in 1973. It only partially corresponds to the book. Guy Debord covers about half of the 221 theses in the book and completes his commentary with analyses of current events. The film is crammed with falsifications, taken at random from the history of critical reflection, from Von Clausewitz, Machiavelli, Marx and Hegel. Guy Debord intentionally lets the spectacle overwhelm his criticism of the society of spectacle. He associates images of daily life with extracts from westerns, he links fragments of the great classics of Russian film with archive images of Castro, Mao and Nixon, and brings together commercials and the murder of Kennedy and the Vietnam war. This film is a total and irreverent spectacle that aims to draw an abrupt line under the history of film as it is presented in the books.


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