Der Reise logo deutsch


Michael Klier,
West Germany, 1983,
84 min

Images filmed by a surveillance camera in an airport, a shop, an hospital, a street and a sex shop and which, through their mechanical eye, cover and monitor a large city in Germany for about one hour and a half without a break. The cameras are activated at random from the top of a control tower and from various strategic viewpoints, ranging from large locations to small, from general shots to close-ups, from public to private. These images are formed by remote control from a great height, and approach the spectator as a "great" consumer of these thousands of little images of the world, while at the same time firmly keeping him at a distance from these consumables and so from the world as a whole. A potential drama starts at every moment in this documentary material. The hypothesis of the "accident", of the imminent event and the imposing music of Mahler and Wagner give an intense charge to these grey, scrambled and at times undefinable images. Even when interrupted and allowing room for silence, the dramatising effect of the musical composition turns the video into cinematographic writing. Our eyes scan and search for an invisible fiction in these ordinary, unlegitimized images, in this stream of coincidences. In fact this fiction in the expectation of the real, in nothingness, in the relationship established between these redundant images that have no story.



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