Bambule logo deutsch


Ulrike Marie Meinhof,
East Germany, 1971
60 min

Ulrike Marie Meinhof's TV script about the Eichenhof welfare home in West Berlin was developed in 1969. She had started her so-called welfare education several years earlier working on several projects and making her criticisms heard. In several radio broadcasts she investigated the conditions in the homes and the consequences of this form of detention. Bambule was filmed in February and March 1970. The film, a Südwestfunk (South-West Radio) production, was to have been shown on the ARD TV channel in May 1970. At that time, however, Ulrike Meinhof was already suspected of being involved in helping Andreas Baader escape from prison. ARD acted as judge and jury and withdrew the film. The film was then due to be shown in April 1971 but was again withdrawn and shelved for the next twenty years. The facts portrayed in the film are true. The film alternates between documentary and feature film. The documentary parts are based on tape recordings. Where these might be misunderstood as being an attack only on isolated abuses, feature film elements are introduced, which do not focus the audience's imagination on "local news", but rather stimulate it. In numerous discussions with the film's director, Ulrike Meinhof came back to the same demand time and time again : the film should "get closer to the truth, not closer to reality". So the film, rather than portraying bad conditions, shows a bad state of affairs.


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