BEAM ME UP consists of a wide & weird variety of hometaped
material compiled by you, visitor! You're invited to add your own title(s)
to the collection of Beware!... Hometaped and for all to see!
Bring and leave any homegrown camcorder stuff:

*domestic bliss, honeymoon horrors & caravaning extravaganzas

* your favourite soaps, sitcoms & sci-fi thrills

* pet stories, strange phenomena & wonder recipies

* aerobic workout highlights & the 'best of' local disasters

* aliens autopsies, UFO-spotting-specials & psychic awareness in 10 easy steps

* snapshots of paradise lost and things-to-come

* or any incorporation you consider appropriate

Friendly creatures (earthlings) at the counter will accept all hometaped VHS cassettes & make them available for all to see. They will be equally glad to receive your virtual contributions by E-mail.
Ask for more information at the entrance desk!