Videogramme/revolution logo cultural masq


Harun Farocki & Andrei Ujica,
Germany / Rumania, 1992,
120 min

An electronic reconstruction of the turbulent Romanian "tele-revolution" of 1989, based on the changes in camera viewpoints. Farocki, a documentary maker, and Ujica, a media philosopher, keep strictly to the chronological order of the audiovisual captures of the events. They begin on the day Ceausescu gave his last speech and end on the night when, for the first time on TV, a short version of the trial of the Ceausescus was shown. Between these two storms there was a proliferation of filming cameras recording at that time and that place, and not at previous time or anywhere else. This media "reality" is subjected to a visual analysis without using material they filmed themselves, or any testimonies or interviews. The multiplication of the material from the many live broadcasts and the amateur video recordings automatically reveals the relationship between the camera and the story in this "fictionalized" version of a fictitious revolution, in the face of which all media theory fails, willy-nilly. A documentary that isn't about a revolution that wasn't.

History and Memory


Middle East Trilogy

No other Possibility


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